I had earlier talked and got feedbacks about a few essay consultants. There are mostly 3 types of essay consultants as what I have noted:
Consultants who charge hefty fees ($2000 and above) and cover whole essay package for a school. I have no idea how they work.
Consultants who just work on the content- They do not advise on what should go inside and how. They are helpful to check the grammar and making a good English presentation. Consultants who comment on the content, but do not give an advice as what should exactly go in, citing specifics. They are helpful, but need a lot of introspection from the candidate.
You had combined the best features of 2 and 3 type consultants. You not only edit the essay content, but also first work with the candidate to come up with the best story. You never forced me on away, but had given your feedback, as what would be an appropriate option. After the first call, you advised as how to narrate the stories, and make an attractive presentation. You have helped to create the natural flow from one incident to other in the best possible way. You had been always cautious about the word limit, and for every edits, you mentioned the word count, which helped to keep a look. You had also removed un-necessary repetitions.
Debasish ,