Posted on September 30, 2015

Helpful Tips for Creating Compelling Essays- a Summary

Helpful Tips_essays

For the last couple of days, we have been discussing one essay tip every day. I have illustrated each of these super useful essay tips with examples from students’ essays. I hope you have enjoyed them. Here is a compilation of the links of all of the blog posts in one place for those of you who missed some of them.

Tip #1: Comprehend the Essay Prompt

Tip #2: Brainstorm  Ideas/ Begin Writing

Tip #3: Address Each Part of the Essay Question

Tip #4: Make Your Introduction Engaging

Tip #5: Organize your Story Well

Tip #6: Provide Specific Details

Tip #7: Do Not Use Passive Voice

Tip #8: Do Not Use Jargon

Tip #9: Use Transitional Expressions

Tip #10: Avoid Using Quotations

Tip #11: Choose Your Words Wisely

Tip #12: Conclude Your Story Well

Tip #13: Proofread, Proofread, and Proofread

To sum up, creating compelling and persuasive MBA admission essays is a skill that can be acquired with careful thought and preparation. To choose your best stories/ experiences, you need to devote a significant amount of time to reflect on your professional aspirations and life experiences. After selecting your stories, organize them coherently, and flesh them out with relevant details, keeping in mind all the above-mentioned guidelines/ tips. Remember, the essence of writing is rewriting. So you must revise your essays multiple times to ensure that all the pieces of your story fit together, and then proofread them for any grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors. Lastly, get your essays reviewed by a friend because a second perspective can help you determine if your story is engaging and persuasive enough to the reader. I am confident that by following this structured approach, you will transform your stories into memorable essays that will help you secure admission to your chosen school.

Good luck with your Round 1 applications.

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